Black Iris is a 5 color silkscreen print. My first print outside of school!
This print continues my Georgia O’Keeffe appreciation series. I was inspired by her 1926 Black Iris III oil painting to create this design. Georgia O’Keeffe has been one of my biggest inspirations as an artist. I love how she was influenced by the environment around her and plays with color and abstraction. She was such a badass artist, I frequently find myself coming back to her when I am stuck.
I was interested in taking a painting and converting it to a silkscreen print. So to create the composition, I took her painting and simplified it down digitally. I focused on only working with blocks of color so I could play with transparent colors to create depth. All of the layers, except for the red key line, are somewhat transparent.
Fun Fact: this is NOT a vulva. O’Keeffe has stated this numerous times but we continue to ignore her words.
Well — I made you take time to look at what I saw and when you took time to really notice my flower, you hung all your own associations with flowers on my flower and you write about my flower as if I think and see what you think and see of the flower — and I don’t.